Engaging with Unions in Schools

This ASHA Community is provided on the expressed interests of the participants from the

joint ASHA and NEA town hall meeting to continue the conversation on

Partnering with Teacher Unions to Improve Working Conditions in Schools

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If your school district’s teacher union has language within their collective bargaining agreement regarding the below topics, please share their contract or contractual language to the ASHA School Services Team, so we can build a repository for members to have access to support with their negotiations:

      • Adequate workspace
      • Caseload or Workload Language
      • Case Management
      • Compensation (e.g., salary supplements)

Collective bargaining is a process in which your association and your employer exchange ideas, mutually solve problems, and reach a written agreement—the collective bargaining agreement (often referred to as the “contract” or “CBA”).

    • Bargaining improves student learning and working conditions.
    • Collective bargaining helps attract and retain the highest quality employees
    • Bargaining supports the fight for social justice and racial equity.